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Open Space Commission Minutes 11/18/2016
In Attendance: Diana Atwood Johnson, Peter Cable, George James, Mary Stone, Amanda Blair, Evan Griswold

Minutes approved for October 14, 2016 Peter, George, All Approved

Land Steward:  Chair contacted Sue Cope of Lyme Land Trust, who is unable to consider position at this time. Met with Jamie Bastien and commission reviewed his resume. Diana will invite him to next meeting and George and Evan will orient him. We still need to discuss the Town contract, that provides for steward being an independent contractor with his/her own insurance. OLLT is not able to partner with us on a land steward at this time.
2017 agenda will include proposal regarding management and stewardship of town properties. OLOSC needs to address issue related to the volunteer use of machinery on open space. Needs to become part of town’s regular responsibility. Land Steward should be able to work with town crew when trees come down. Diana will speak with First Selectwoman about these machinery/stewardship issues.

Planning Commission proposal regarding changes to POCD discussion was held.
Is this in conflict with Gateway/Zoning/FEMA updates. The crux of the proposed amendment seems to be: “We do not agree with a philosophy of strategic retreat from the shoreline.” Planning Commission needs to make themselves aware of issues that are now coming before Zoning, ZBA, Wetlands. There should be a shared position developed based on all land use expertise, esp. Zoning, ZBA, Wetlands, etc.
Is there a structured public process for changes to POCD? Is the proposal in sync with both future/current property ownership and town’s most vulnerable coastal areas.

Malcolm Hill of Snowy Egret Wetlands Services completed third year of phragmite removal at Eklund Pond. Cutting only, no pesticide.

Commission went into Executive Session and came out with no votes being taken.

Amanda reminded about Windward, Jadon Drive, Cedar Hollow conundrums.
        Send to Ed Cassella. Mary asked about Marsh property.

2017 Calendar of Meetings attached.

Sub-division of Corsino land on Four Mile River has given 6 acres of land to OLLT.

George shared map of beaver pond expansion on Ames property. Evan shared info re: Beaver Meadows/Beaver Ponds, their ecological values and changes over time.

Diana Atwood Johnson, Chair.